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What are people saying?

“I just want to let everyone know how this book has helped us in our lives. I highly recommend this one, even if your life isn't rushed, it's an easy way to eat right!!”
Valerie Wall

Suggestions from Successful Fundraising Groups

Method A - Order Books First

  1. Order books and pay by credit card (this allows time to sell books before credit card bill is payable).
  2. Collect a postdated cheque from each member for the total value of their share (payable to your organization and dated when credit card bill is payable).
    Eg: Each member pays $20 and when books arrive takes one "The Healthy Family" book.
    or Each member pays $80 ($20 x 4) and when books arrive takes four "The Healthy Family" books.
  3. Distribute books to members.
  4. Members sell their books and keep funds from sale to replace money they paid by cheque.
  5. Organization cashes cheques and realizes a 100% profit above original investment.

Method B - Presell Books First w/ Sample Books As Selling Tool

  1. Order enough books so each member will have one copy to use as a display sample.
  2. Members use their sample book to show potential purchasers. They collect cheques or cash from purchasers.
  3. Collect funds from members and calculate total number of books required.
  4. Order books and pay by credit card, money order or bank transfer.
  5. Organization cashes cheques and realizes a 100% profit above original investment.
  6. Distribute books to members.

Method C - Presell Books First

  1. Prepare a page explaining the books and the fundraiser using information on the website.
  2. Distribute information page to members.
  3. Collect a cheque from each member for the total value of books they are ordering.
  4. Organization cashes cheques and realizes a 100% profit above original investment.
  5. Order books and pay by credit card, money order or bank transfer.
  6. Distribute books to members.